GENEVA Hosting Applicant Reference

Thanks for being willing to fill out a reference for one of our Hospitality Host applicants. During our retreat season, our hosts play a key role in extending hospitality to our guests helping to ensure each guest as a wonderful experience! Please complete the following form.

"*" indicates required fields

Initial Information

Your Name*
Applicant's Name*

Please answer the following statements based on your experience with the applicant that you are submitting a reference for.

This applicant is reliable, dependable, and punctual.*
This applicant is friendly.*
This applicant is good at communicating with others.*
This applicant is has the ability to make others feel comfortable and welcome.*
This applicant can be counted on to work independently.*
This applicant is prompt in communicating via text, email, and phone call.*
This applicant can manage stressful situations well and keep others calm in the process.*
This applicant manages his or her time well and has the ability to prioritize tasks.*
This applicant would be a positive member in a communal living setting*
This applicant's faith in Jesus Christ is visible in the way they live.*
This applicant would positively foster GENEVA's mission to create an environment where the presence of God is experienced, the love of Christ is demonstrated, and a Spirit-filled life is inspired.*
This applicant would be a positive representative of GENEVA Camp & Retreat Center to guests.*
You would feel comforatble and confident having this person as your group's host if you came to GENEVA for a retreat.*

By signing below, you verify that the information submitted in this reference form is an accurate and truthful representation of the stated applicant. Further, you confirm that this form was completed by you (the reference).