High School Parent Evaluation Which High School camp did your camper attend?*Choose OneGENEVA Classic • June 9-13Pack & Paddle • June 16-21CIT • June 23-July 4CONNECT • June 30-July 4Water Week • July 7-12CIT • July 14-25GENEVA Classic • July 28-August 1GENEVA Classic • August 4-8Which cabin was your camper in?*Birch 1Birch 2Birch 3Birch 4Ontario 21Ontario 22Mission Point 9aMission Point 9bMission Point 10N/A or UnknownHow would you rate your CHILD’s experience at Camp Geneva?*1 = Poor 5 = Outstanding 1 - The worst week ever 2 - A negative experience 3 - Not quite what they hoped for 4 - A better-than-average week 5 - A great experience 6 - The best week ever What would improve your CHILD’s experience with Camp Geneva?How would you rate YOUR experience at Camp Geneva?* 1 - Horrible 2 - In need of significant improvement 3 - Somewhat negative 4 - Fairly smooth 5 - I was impressed 6 - Fantastic from beginning to end What would improve YOUR experience with Camp Geneva?How would you rate your child’s faith experience at Camp Geneva?*1 = Poor 6 = Outstanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 Was your child able to articulate their faith experience at Camp Geneva? Please Explain:Do you plan on sending your child to camp next summer? Why or why not?Things you or your child loved about camp or other additional comments (optional):Parent Name First Last Camper Name First Last May we quote you?* Yes No CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.