Entering Grades 3-7
Entering Grades 3-7
GENEVA Shores is an overnight camp program for children entering 3rd – 7th grades. GENEVA Shores is on the west side of Lakeshore Drive, on the shores of Lake Michigan. Not every session is the same length (some end on Friday and some on Saturday) and different sessions are offered to different grades (4th-6th, 4th-7th, or 3rd-6th). Choose a session that works for your child to attend, and make sure to be aware of a few basic guidelines prior to registration.
A week at GENEVA Shores means energetic counselors guiding campers through a week of making friends, trying new things and worshipping together. Some of campers’ favorites from Shores include playing Capture the Flag, making dinner over the fire, swimming in the pool or Lake Michigan, and dancing at songs and skits!
On shores, campers practice cooperation with friends, independence in living at camp for a week, and learning how to engage with scripture. Approachable and cheerful counselors walk with campers as they discover what Jesus means to us.
Special guests Joel Schoon Tanis and Steve Carigon join with GENEVA staff for this unique camp experience. Songs and skits gatherings combine comedy and art to share Bible stories under their leadership. Campers can participate in a large group art project as a highlight of the week in addition to all the typical camp activities.
4 1/2-days & 4-nights. This camp session is a little shorter than the others, but we’ll still pack tons of fun into the week!
7:00am | Wake up and Polar-bearing (optional) |
8:30am | Breakfast |
9:15am | Songs and Skits |
10:00am | Bible Study |
11:00am | All Camp Game |
12:00pm | Lunch |
12:45 | Quiet Time |
1:30pm | Interest Groups |
2:30 | Activity Rotations – During this time each cabin has the chance to try a variety of camp activities. Every hour groups will rotate through the pool and splash park, the beach, arts and crafts, the store, archery, the jumping pillow, field games, playground time, the slip n slide, gaga ball, 9 square, sidewalk chalk, volleyball, nature walk, Frisbee golf and water games. |
5:30pm | Dinner |
6:15pm | Quiet Time |
7:00pm | Evening Activity |
7:45pm | Songs and Skits |
8:30pm | Snacks and Bed |
• Some sessions fill up very quickly – we recommend having a backup session (or two) in case your first choice fills up.
• Campers can come in individually, in pairs, or a fill-a-cabin. We do not allow groups of three, four, five, etc., and we do not allow one camper to come with two buddies
• Prior to the start of registration, we encourage you to create your family’s account.
• For more info, read through the FAQs!
All items should be labeled with camper’s full name
Note: This packing list is also included in the Printable Confirmation Packet below and in the confirmation we emailed shortly after you registered.
These items are not permitted and will be held by the counselor and returned at the end of the week.
Punch cards are the best way for Shores campers to make purchases from the camp store, where they can buy snacks, apparel, and more. You can choose the amount of spending money they’ll have for their week of camp ($15, $30, or $40), and the punch card will be on the back of their nametag. Punch cards are less likely than cash to be misplaced, and if there is money remaining at the end of the week, you are able to get a refund in the camp store.
The $10.00 Tie-Dye Fee pays for a pillow case or a white GENEVA t-shirt for your camper to tie-dye. There will be an alternative activity for campers who choose not to tie-dye. Alternatively, tie-dying is free if your camper supplies their own white t-shirt or pillow case. We recommend these items be 100% cotton, washed and pre-shrunk with no fabric softener. Your camper can cover the cost of a shirt or pillow case with their punch card while they are at camp.